From a clip to...

In the quiet hum of an ordinary day, a seemingly insignificant event marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey. Gifted with a simple clip, an object so mundane yet so full of potential, I found myself at the threshold of an adventure unlike any other. Inspired by the ancient practice of bartering, I set an ambitious goal: to exchange these unique, story-laden items with different people. This wasn’t just about exchanging goods; it was about uncovering the hidden narratives and values embedded in unexpected treasures.

This book documents the chronicle of that journey, starting from the singular paper clip. Each chapter unfolds a new exchange, revealing not just a new item to be traded but the concealed story and goodwill it carries. From mundane to mysterious, every object acquired and passed on became a testament to the unseen worth and connections between people. Embark on this journey as we explore the richness hidden in the obscure, discovering the profound stories and wishes that these items carry through their journey.
Book Design, Typography

Book size: 4’’ x 6.75’’


                                                                       Exhibit at La MaMa Galleria, New York                                                                                   Exhibit at the Other Island Bookfair, New York
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